With FREE Email, DNS, Theft Protection and lots more

Find your perfect domain name.

We’ve helped over a million people find the best domains they could. So what are you waiting for? Search for yours now!
  • Massive choice. The cheapest prices.
  • Trusted by over a million sites
  • .comFrom $9.49/year
  • .netFrom $10.49/year
  • .orgFrom $11.49/year
  • .uk
    From $11.49/year

Search your domain name.

All this FREE with every domain!

Free Email Accounts

Send and recieve emails with your own 100 MB personalized email account. You get 2 Free Email Account(s). You also get FREE fraud, spam and virus protection.

Domain Theft Protection

Lock your domain name, so that your domain is not transferred out accidentally or without your permission.

Free Mail Forwards

Create email forwards that redirect to existing email accounts.

Domain Forwarding

Automatically forward people to whatever website you want, when they type your domain name into a browser (with / without domain masking & SEO)

Transfer your domain to us and extend your domain registration by 1 year!   Transfer Now

More than just a domain registration service

From keeping your personal details private, to grabbing domains the moment they become available, we have plenty of time-savers and upgrades.

ID Protection with Host at Web

Domain Privacy

Stop spammers from getting your personal details.
  • Replace your private details with generic information
  • Low-cost protection for your peace of mind
  • Prevent identity theft and spam
Bulk Order with Host at Web

Bulk Ordering

Quickly and easily order your domains in bulk.
  • Check availability on multiple names at once
  • Instant Domain Name registration for every name you want
  • Easily transfer multiple domains from anywhere else you’ve registered

Are .com domains better for search engine optimization?

No. All domain extensions are considered equal in the eyes of Google. There is no automatic preference given to a .com domain.

Where you do need to be careful, however, is to not register an alternate domain if the .com is taken by a large company. This can hurt your search results and also open you up to a potential trademark battle.

Should I buy multiple extensions for the same domain?

Yes. Registering a domain extension reserves it so that no one else can use it. So if you’ve got, you might be wise to also register and redirect them back to your correct site) in order to avoid confusion and keep your visitors coming to your site.

How to Transfer domain to Host at Web?

It’s really easy to transfer any existing domains you might have over to us. The first thing you’ll need to do is contact your current provider and make sure they are OK with the domain name transfer. Once you get the thumbs up from them, you can head to your control panel and carry out the transfer straight from there.

There are slightly different transfer procedures which depend on the type of extension you’re transferring and where you’re moving it from, but don’t worry, we have step-by-step guides for all of them. Transfer your domain to Host at Web and extend your domain registration by 1 year.

Will my data be kept private?

In order to register any domain, you must provide certain personal information that you may not wish to be publically searchable in the Whois database. Signing up for WhoisGuard is a great way to keep your registration data private. WhoisGuard acts as a “shield” for your searchable information, displaying the address, phone number, and email of the domain registrar instead of your own. Keep in mind that WhoisGuard is an optional security add-on that must be renewed separately when you renew your domain.